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package api_documentation

import (
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type NoParams struct{}
type DocPath map[string]DocMethodInfo

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type Docs struct {
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	Paths      map[string]DocPath `json:"paths"`
	Components DocSchemas         `json:"components"`
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type DocSchemas struct {
	Schemas map[string]interface{} `json:"schemas"`
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type DocMethodInfo struct {
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	Description string                       `json:"description"`
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	Summary     string                       `json:"summary"`
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	Tags        []string                     `json:"tags"`
	RequestBody *DocRequestBody              `json:"requestBody,omitempty"`
	Parameters  []DocParam                   `json:"parameters,omitempty"`
	Responses   *map[string]DocResponseValue `json:"responses,omitempty"`
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type DocRequestBody struct {
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	Description string                 `json:"description"`
	Required    bool                   `json:"required"`
	Content     map[string]interface{} `json:"content"`
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type DocParam struct {
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	Name        string      `json:"name"`
	In          string      `json:"in"`
	Description string      `json:"description"`
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	Required    bool        `json:"required,omitempty"`
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	Schema      interface{} `json:"schema"`
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type DocSchema struct {
	Ref string `json:"$ref"`

type DocResponseValue struct {
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	Description string                  `json:"description"`
	Content     *map[string]interface{} `json:"content,omitempty"`

type DocSchemaResponse struct {
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	Type  *string   `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Items DocSchema `json:"items"`
func GetDocs(endpointHandlers map[string]map[string]interface{}, corePath string) (Docs, error) {
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	docs := Docs{
		Paths: map[string]DocPath{},
		Components: DocSchemas{
			Schemas: map[string]interface{}{},

	// Add default error

	var validationError error
	if endpointHandlers, validationError = handler_utils.ValidateAPIEndpoints(endpointHandlers); validationError != nil {
		return Docs{}, validationError

	functionDocs := GetStructDocs(corePath)

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	for path, methods := range endpointHandlers {
		docPath := DocPath{}
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		for method, methodHandler := range methods {
			docMethod := DocMethodInfo{}
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			if handler, ok := methodHandler.(handler_utils.Handler); !ok {
				docMethod.Description = "Not available"
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			} else {
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				// Meta data
				functionName := GetFunctionName(handler.FuncValue.Interface())
				docMethod.Description = functionDocs[functionName]
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				docMethod.Summary = functionNameToSummary(functionName, method)
				docMethod.Tags = []string{path}
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				// Parameters
				docParameters, err := FillParameters(&docs, handler)
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				if err != nil {
					return Docs{}, err
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				docMethod.Parameters = docParameters
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				// Request body
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				if handler.RequestBodyType != nil {
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					bodyTypeString, requestBody := GetRequestBody(handler, functionDocs)
					docMethod.RequestBody = &requestBody
					// Fill Component schemas
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					if handler.RequestBodyType.Kind() == reflect.Struct && handler.RequestBodyType.NumField() > 0 {
						err := FillStructSchema(&docs, handler.RequestBodyType.Field(0).Type, bodyTypeString)
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						if err != nil {
							return Docs{}, err
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				// Response
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				if handler.ResponseType != nil {
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					response, responseBodyTypeString := GetResponse(handler)
					docMethod.Responses = &response

					// Fill Component schemas
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					if handler.ResponseType.Kind() == reflect.Struct && handler.ResponseType.NumField() > 0 {
						err := FillStructSchema(&docs, handler.ResponseType, responseBodyTypeString)
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						if err != nil {
							return Docs{}, err

			docPath[strings.ToLower(method)] = docMethod
		docs.Paths[path] = docPath
	return docs, nil
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func functionNameToSummary(name string, method string) string {

	name = string_utils.ReplaceCaseInsensitive(name, "GET", "")
	name = string_utils.ReplaceCaseInsensitive(name, "POST", "")
	name = string_utils.ReplaceCaseInsensitive(name, "PATCH", "")
	name = string_utils.ReplaceCaseInsensitive(name, "DELETE", "")

	var cleanMethod string
	if method == "GET" {
		cleanMethod = "Fetch"
	} else if method == "POST" {
		cleanMethod = "Create"
	} else if method == "DELETE" {
		cleanMethod = "Delete"
	} else if method == "PATCH" {
		cleanMethod = "Update"

	summary := string_utils.PascalCaseToSentence(name)
	summary = cleanMethod + " " + strings.ToLower(summary)
	return summary

func addDefaultSchemas(docs Docs) {
	docs.Components.Schemas["error"] = map[string]string{
		"type":   "string",
		"format": "string",

	docs.Components.Schemas["string"] = map[string]string{
		"type":   "string",
		"format": "string",

func FillParameters(docs *Docs, handler handler_utils.Handler) ([]DocParam, error) {
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	docParameters := []DocParam{}
	for i := 0; i < handler.RequestParamsType.NumField(); i++ {
		structField := handler.RequestParamsType.Field(i)

		shouldAddDoc := structField.Tag.Get("doc")
		if shouldAddDoc == "-" {

		schema, err := StructSchema(docs, structField.Type)
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		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

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		name := StructFieldName(structField)
		if name == "tableName" {

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		parameter := DocParam{
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			Name:        name,
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			In:          "query",
			Description: structField.Tag.Get("doc"),
			Schema:      schema,

		if structField.Tag.Get("doc_required") == "true" {
			parameter.Required = true

		docParameters = append(docParameters, parameter)

	return docParameters, nil

func GetRequestBody(handler handler_utils.Handler, functionDocs map[string]string) (string, DocRequestBody) {
	body := reflect.New(handler.RequestBodyType).Interface()
	bodyTypeString := getType(body)

	requestBody := DocRequestBody{
		Description: functionDocs[bodyTypeString],
		Required:    true,
		Content: map[string]interface{}{
			"application/json": map[string]interface{}{
				"schema": DocSchema{Ref: "#/components/schemas/" + bodyTypeString},
	return bodyTypeString, requestBody

func GetResponse(handler handler_utils.Handler) (map[string]DocResponseValue, string) {
	responses := map[string]DocResponseValue{}
	responseBody := reflect.New(handler.ResponseType).Interface()
	responseBodyTypeString := getType(responseBody)

	response := DocResponseValue{}
	if responseBodyTypeString != "" {
		response.Content = &map[string]interface{}{
			"application/json": map[string]interface{}{
				"schema": DocSchema{Ref: "#/components/schemas/" + responseBodyTypeString},

	responses["200"] = response

	return responses, responseBodyTypeString

func StructFieldName(structField reflect.StructField) string {
	name := structField.Tag.Get("json")
	if name == "" {
		name = structField.Name

	name = strings.Replace(name, ",omitempty", "", -1)
	return name

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func getType(myvar interface{}) string {
	if t := reflect.TypeOf(myvar); t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
		return t.Elem().Name()
	} else {
		return t.Name()
func StructSchema(docs *Docs, t reflect.Type) (interface{}, error) {
	if t == nil {
		return nil, nil
	schema := map[string]interface{}{}

	description := ""

	if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
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		// schema["optional"] = true
		t = t.Elem()

	switch t.Kind() {
	case reflect.Int64, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int,
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		reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint:
		schema["type"] = "integer"
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		schema["format"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", t)
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	case reflect.Float64, reflect.Float32:
		schema["type"] = "number"
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		schema["format"] = "float"
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	case reflect.Bool:
		schema["type"] = "boolean"
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		schema["format"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", t)
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	case reflect.String:
		schema["type"] = "string"
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		schema["format"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", t)

	case reflect.Interface:
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		schema["type"] = "object" // any value...?

	case reflect.Struct:
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		if t.String() == "time.Time" {
			schema["type"] = "string"
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			schema["format"] = "date"
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			return schema, nil

		schema["type"] = "object"
		properties := map[string]interface{}{}

		for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
			f := t.Field(i)
			if !f.Anonymous {
				fieldName := f.Tag.Get("json")
				if fieldName == "" {
					fieldName = f.Name
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				if fieldName == "-" || fieldName == "tableName" {
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					continue // json does not marshal these
				fieldName = strings.Replace(fieldName, ",omitempty", "", -1)

				var err error
				fieldDesc := f.Tag.Get("doc")
				if fieldDesc == "-" {
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				if fieldDesc == "" {
					fieldDesc = description + "." + fieldName
				properties[fieldName], err = StructSchema(docs, f.Type)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to document %v.%s", t, fieldName)
		schema["properties"] = properties

	case reflect.Map:
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		schema["type"] = "object"
	case reflect.Slice:
		schema["type"] = "array"
		element := t.Elem()

		if element.Kind() == reflect.Struct || element.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
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			elementName := t.Elem().Name()
			if elementName == "" || elementName == "error" {
				return schema, nil
			schema["items"] = map[string]string{"$ref": "#/components/schemas/" + elementName}

			// Check if object is already in the struct schema
			_, containsValue := docs.Components.Schemas[elementName]
			if !containsValue {
				err := FillStructSchema(docs, element, elementName)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
		} else {
			items, err := StructSchema(docs, element)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to document")
			schema["items"] = items
		return nil, errors.Errorf("cannot generate schema for %v kind=%v", t, t.Kind())

	return schema, nil
func FillStructSchema(docs *Docs, element reflect.Type, elementName string) error {
	schema, err := StructSchema(docs, element)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to fill struct schema for %v", elementName)
	docs.Components.Schemas[elementName] = schema
	return nil

func GetStructDocs(corePath string) map[string]string {
	docs := map[string]string{}

	walkFunction := func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if !info.IsDir() {
			return nil

		fset := token.NewFileSet()
		d, err := parser.ParseDir(fset, path, nil, parser.ParseComments)
		if err != nil {
			return nil

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		for _, f := range d {
			p := doc.New(f, "./", 2)

			for _, objectTypes := range p.Types {
				doc := strings.ReplaceAll(objectTypes.Doc, objectTypes.Name, "")
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				doc = strings.ReplaceAll(doc, "\t", "")
				docs[objectTypes.Name] = doc

			for _, function := range p.Funcs {
				doc := strings.ReplaceAll(function.Doc, function.Name, "")
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				doc = strings.ReplaceAll(doc, "\t", "")
				docs[function.Name] = doc

			for _, n := range p.Notes {
				fmt.Println("body", n[0].Body)
		return nil

	err := filepath.Walk(corePath, walkFunction)
	if err != nil {
		logs.ErrorWithMsg("Failed to upload files to s3", err)

	return docs

func GetFunctionName(temp interface{}) string {
	strs := strings.Split((runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(temp).Pointer()).Name()), ".")
	return strs[len(strs)-1]