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opensearch_types.go 7.66 KiB
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package opensearch
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// Settings
// Mapping configures an index in OpenSearch
Jan Semmelink's avatar
Jan Semmelink committed
type Settings struct {
	Index *SettingsIndex `json:"index,omitempty"`

type SettingsIndex struct {
	NumberOfShards   int      `json:"number_of_shards,omitempty"`
	NumberOfReplicas int      `json:"number_of_replicas,omitempty"`
	Mapping          *Mapping `json:"mapping,omitempty"`

type Mapping struct {
	TotalFields TotalFields `json:"total_fields,omitempty"`

type TotalFields struct {
	Limit int `json:"limit,omitempty"`
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Jan Semmelink committed

type Mappings struct {
	Properties map[string]MappingProperty `json:"properties,omitempty"`

type MappingProperty struct {
	Type       string                            `json:"type,omitempty"` // empty for sub-structs described with properties
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Jan Semmelink committed
	Enabled    bool                              `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	Fields     map[string]MappingFieldProperties `json:"fields,omitempty"`
	Properties map[string]MappingProperty        `json:"properties,omitempty"`

type MappingFieldProperties struct {
	Keyword *MappingKeyword `json:"keyword"`

type MappingKeyword struct {
	Type        string `json:"type"`         // ="keyword"
	IgnoreAbove int    `json:"ignore_above"` // e.g. 256
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Jan Semmelink committed

type SearchRequestBody struct {
	Sort    []map[string]string `json:"sort,omitempty"` // order and order_by
	Size    int64               `json:"size,omitempty"` // limit
	From    int64               `json:"from,omitempty"` // offset
	Query   Query               `json:"query"`
	Timeout string              `json:"timeout,omitempty"` // timeout for opensearch
type Query struct {
	Match             *QueryMatch      `json:"match,omitempty" doc:"<field>:<value>"`
	Term              *QueryTerm       `json:"term,omitempty"`
	Range             *QueryRange      `json:"range,omitempty"`
	MultiMatch        *QueryMultiMatch `json:"multi_match,omitempty"`
	Bool              *QueryBool       `json:"bool,omitempty"`
	QueryString       *QueryString     `json:"query_string,omitempty"`
	SimpleQueryString *QueryString     `json:"simple_query_string,omitempty"`

type QueryBool struct {
	Must               []FilterQuery `json:"must,omitempty"`     // List of things that must appear in matching documents and will contribute to the score.
	Filter             []FilterQuery `json:"filter,omitempty"`   // List of things that must appear in matching documents. However, unlike must the score of the query will be ignored. Filter clauses are executed in filter context, meaning that scoring is ignored and clauses are considered for caching
	Should             []Query       `json:"should,omitempty"`   // List of things that should appear in the matching document.
	MustNot            []FilterQuery `json:"must_not,omitempty"` // List of things that must not appear in the matching documents. Clauses are executed in filter context meaning that scoring is ignored and clauses are considered for caching. Because scoring is ignored, a score of 0 for all documents is returned
	MinimumShouldMatch int64         `json:"minimum_should_match"`

type FilterQuery struct {
	// one of:
	Match             *QueryMatch      `json:"match,omitempty"`
	Term              *QueryTerm       `json:"term,omitempty"`
	Range             *QueryRange      `json:"range,omitempty"`
	MultiMatch        *QueryMultiMatch `json:"multi_match,omitempty"`
	Bool              *QueryBool       `json:"bool,omitempty"`
	QueryString       *QueryString     `json:"query_string,omitempty"`
	SimpleQueryString *QueryString     `json:"simple_query_string,omitempty"`
	Wildcard          *QueryWildcard   `json:"wildcard,omitempty"` //

type QueryValue struct {
	Query          string `json:"query"`
	Operator       string `json:"operator,omitempty"`  // defaults to "or", accepted values: or|and
	Fuzziness      string `json:"fuzziness,omitempty"` //
	ZeroTermsQuery string `json:"zero_terms_query,omitempty"`
type QueryMatch map[string]string
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Francé Wilke committed

type QueryTerm map[string]string
type QueryWildcard map[string]string
type QueryMultiMatch struct {
	Query    string              `json:"query"` // Full value match opensearch in selected fields
	Fields   []string            `json:"fields,omitempty" doc:"List of fields"`
	Type     QueryMultiMatchType `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Operator string              `json:"operator,omitempty"`
type QueryMultiMatchType string
const (
	QueryMultiMatchTypePhrase      QueryMultiMatchType = "phrase"
	QueryMultiMatchTypeCrossFields QueryMultiMatchType = "cross_fields"
type QueryString struct {
	Query           string   `json:"query"` // Text opensearch with partial matches, using asterisk for optional or question mark for required wildcards before and/or after text
	Fields          []string `json:"fields,omitempty" doc:"List of fields"`
	DefaultOperator string   `json:"default_operator,omitempty"`

type QueryRange map[string]QueryExpr

type QueryExpr map[string]string
// SearchResponseBody example:
//	{
//		"took":872,
//		"timed_out":false,
//		"_shards":{
//			"total":38,
//			"successful":38,
//			"skipped":0,
//			"failed":0
//		},
//		"hits":{
//			"total":{
//				"value":0,
//				"relation":"eq"
//			},
//			"max_score":null,
//			"hits":[
//				{
//					"_index": "go-utils-audit-test-20211030",
//					"_type": "_doc",
//					"_id": "Tj9l5XwBWRiAneoYazic",
//					"_score": 1.2039728,
//					"_source": {
//						"@timestamp": "2021-10-30T15:03:20.679481+02:00",
//						"@end_time": "2021-10-30T15:03:20.469481+02:00",
//						"@duration_ms": -210,
//						"test1": "6",
//						"test2": "ACC_00098",
//						"test3": 10,
//						"http": {
//							"method": "GET",
//							"path": "/accounts"
//						},
//						"http_method": "GET",
//						"http_path": "/accounts"
//					}
//				},
//			]
//		}
//	}
type SearchResponseBody struct {
	Took     int                  `json:"took"` // milliseconds
	TimedOut bool                 `json:"timed_out"`
	Shards   SearchResponseShards `json:"_shards"`
	Hits     SearchResponseHits   `json:"hits"`

type SearchResponseShards struct {
	Total      int `json:"total"`
	Successful int `json:"successful"`
	Skipped    int `json:"skipped"`
	Failed     int `json:"failed"`

type SearchResponseHits struct {
	Total    SearchResponseHitsTotal `json:"total"`
	MaxScore *float64                `json:"max_score,omitempty"`
	Hits     []HitDoc                `json:"hits"`

type SearchResponseHitsTotal struct {
	Value    int    `json:"value"`    // e.g. 0 when no docs matched
	Relation string `json:"relation"` // e.g. "eq"
	Index  string                 `json:"_index"` // name of index
	Type   string                 `json:"_type"`  // _doc
	ID     string                 `json:"_id"`
	Score  float64                `json:"_score"`  //
	Source map[string]interface{} `json:"_source"` // the document of itemType
// GetResponseBody Example:
//	{
//		"_index": "go-utils-opensearch-docs-test",
//		"_type": "_doc",
//		"_id": "836c6443-5b0e-489b-aa0f-712ebed96841",
//		"_version": 1,
//		"_seq_no": 6,
//		"_primary_term": 1,
//		"found": true,
//		"_source": { ... }
//	 }
	Index       string                 `json:"_index"` // name of index
	Type        string                 `json:"_type"`  // _doc
	ID          string                 `json:"_id"`
	Version     int                    `json:"_version"`
	SeqNo       int                    `json:"_seq_no"`
	PrimaryTerm int                    `json:"_primary_term"`
	Found       bool                   `json:"found"`
	Source      map[string]interface{} `json:"_source"` // the document of itemType