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package logs

import (
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	log ""
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const (
	FatalLevel = log.FatalLevel
	ErrorLevel = log.ErrorLevel
	WarnLevel  = log.WarnLevel
	InfoLevel  = log.InfoLevel
	DebugLevel = log.DebugLevel

type LogEntryWithLevel struct {
	LogEntry *log.Entry
	Message  interface{}
	LogLevel log.Level
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var logger *log.Entry
var cachedLogEntries []LogEntryWithLevel
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var apiRequest *events.APIGatewayProxyRequest
var currentRequestID *string
var isDebug = false
var storeLogsUntilTriggered = false
var disableLogging = false
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var build string
var raygunClient *raygun4go.Client

// Password filtering
var passwordRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i:\\?"password\\?"\s*:\s*\\?"(.*)\\?").*`)
var byteArrayRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i:\\?"(?i:[\w]*)(?i:byte|data)(?i:[\w]*)\\?"\s*:\s*\[([\d\s,]+)*\])`)

func SanitiseLogs(logString string) string {
	var isValidJsonString bool
	isValidJsonString, logString = string_utils.PrettyJSON(logString)
	if !isValidJsonString {
		return logString

	logString = MaskByteArraysInJsonString(logString)
	logString = MaskPasswordsInJsonString(logString)

	return logString

// MaskPasswordsInJsonString takes a string and sanitises all the instances of fields named password.
// E.g. "{"password": "xyz123"}" will become "{"password": "***"}"
func MaskPasswordsInJsonString(jsonString string) string {
	return string_utils.ReplaceAllRegexStringSubmatch(passwordRegex, jsonString, "***")
// MaskByteArraysInJsonString takes a string and truncates all the instances of number array fields have the word
// "byte" in the name. E.g. {"file_bytes": [123,68,103]} will become "{"file_bytes": [...]}"
func MaskByteArraysInJsonString(jsonString string) string {
	return string_utils.ReplaceAllRegexStringSubmatch(byteArrayRegex, jsonString, "...")

func SanitiseFields(fields map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
	sanitisedFields := make(map[string]interface{})

	// Check if each field is a string or string pointer, and sanitize them if they are
	for key, field := range fields {
		value := reflect.ValueOf(field)
		if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && value.IsValid() {
			pointerValue := value.Elem()
			if pointerValue.Kind() == reflect.String {
				sanitisedString := SanitiseLogs(pointerValue.String())
				sanitisedFields[key] = &sanitisedString
			} else {
				// Don't sanitise fields that are not strings
				sanitisedFields[key] = field
		} else if value.Kind() == reflect.String {
			sanitisedFields[key] = SanitiseLogs(value.String())
		} else {
			// Don't sanitise fields that are not strings
			sanitisedFields[key] = field

	return sanitisedFields

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func InitLogs(requestID *string, isDebugBuild bool, buildVersion string, request *events.APIGatewayProxyRequest, client *raygun4go.Client) {
	currentRequestID = requestID
	apiRequest = request
	isDebug = isDebugBuild
	build = buildVersion
	raygunClient = client
	disableLogging = false
	storeLogsUntilTriggered = false
	cachedLogEntries = []LogEntryWithLevel{}
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	if isDebugBuild {
			ForceColors:      true,
			PadLevelText:     true,
			DisableTimestamp: true,
			CallerPrettyfier: func(f *runtime.Frame) (string, string) {
				// Exclude the caller, will rather be added as a field
				return "", ""
	} else {
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	val, exists := os.LookupEnv("DEBUGGING")
	if exists && val == "true" {

	logger = log.WithFields(log.Fields{
		"environment": getEnvironment(),

	if requestID != nil {
		logger = log.WithFields(log.Fields{
			"request_id": *requestID,

func SetLevel(logLevel log.Level) {

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func LogLevel() log.Level {
	logLevelString := os.Getenv("LOG_LEVEL")

	logLevel := log.InfoLevel

	if logLevelString != "" {
		logLevelString = strings.ToLower(logLevelString)

		switch logLevelString {
		case "error":
			logLevel = log.ErrorLevel
		case "warn":
			logLevel = log.WarnLevel
		case "info":
			logLevel = log.InfoLevel
		case "debug":
			logLevel = log.DebugLevel
	return logLevel

func getEnvironment() string {
	environment := os.Getenv("ENVIRONMENT")
	if environment == "" {
		environment = "dev"
		os.Setenv("ENVIRONMENT", "dev")
	return environment

func getLogger() *log.Entry {
	if logger == nil {
		logger = log.WithFields(log.Fields{
			"environment": getEnvironment(),

	return logger

func InfoWithFields(fields map[string]interface{}, message interface{}) {
	if reflect.TypeOf(message).Kind() == reflect.String {
		message = SanitiseLogs(message.(string))
	sanitisedFields := SanitiseFields(fields)
	logEntry := getLogger().WithFields(sanitisedFields)
	if storeLogsUntilTriggered {
		storeLogEntry(logEntry, message, log.InfoLevel)
	} else {
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func Info(format string, a ...interface{}) {
	message := SanitiseLogs(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
	logEntry := getLogger()
	if storeLogsUntilTriggered {
		storeLogEntry(logEntry, message, log.InfoLevel)
	} else {
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func ErrorWithFields(fields map[string]interface{}, err error) {
	sanitisedFields := SanitiseFields(fields)
	sendRaygunError(sanitisedFields, err)
	logEntry := getLogger().WithFields(sanitisedFields)
	if storeLogsUntilTriggered {
		storeLogEntry(logEntry, err, log.ErrorLevel)
	} else {
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func ErrorWithMsg(message string, err error) {
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	if err == nil {
		err = errors.Error(message)
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		"message": message,
	}, err)

func ErrorMsg(message string) {
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	ErrorWithMsg(message, nil)

func Warn(format string, a ...interface{}) {
	message := SanitiseLogs(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
	logEntry := getLogger()
	if storeLogsUntilTriggered {
		storeLogEntry(logEntry, message, log.WarnLevel)
	} else {
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func WarnWithFields(fields map[string]interface{}, err error) {
	sanitisedFields := SanitiseFields(fields)

	logEntry := getLogger().WithFields(sanitisedFields)
	if storeLogsUntilTriggered {
		storeLogEntry(logEntry, err, log.WarnLevel)
	} else {
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func SQLDebugInfo(sql string) {
	logEntry := getLogger().WithFields(map[string]interface{}{
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		"sql": sql,
	if storeLogsUntilTriggered {
		storeLogEntry(logEntry, "SQL query", log.DebugLevel)
	} else {
		logEntry.Debug("SQL query")
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func LogShipmentID(id int64) {
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		"shipment_id": id,
	}, "Current-shipment-ID")

func LogRequestInfo(req events.APIGatewayProxyRequest, shouldExcludeBody bool, extraFields map[string]interface{}) {
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	fields := map[string]interface{}{
		"path":   req.Path,
		"method": req.HTTPMethod,

	if !shouldExcludeBody {
		fields["body"] = req.Body

	if req.QueryStringParameters != nil {
		fields["query"] = req.QueryStringParameters
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	if req.Headers["client-version"] != "" {
		fields["client_version"] = req.Headers["client-version"]

	for k, v := range extraFields {
		if k != "" {
			fields[k] = v
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	InfoWithFields(fields, "Req")

func LogResponseInfo(req events.APIGatewayProxyRequest, res events.APIGatewayProxyResponse, err error) {
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	fields := map[string]interface{}{
		"status_code": res.StatusCode,

	if err != nil {
		fields["error"] = err

	if req.HTTPMethod == http.MethodPost || req.HTTPMethod == http.MethodPatch || req.HTTPMethod == http.MethodPut {
		fields["body"] = res.Body

	InfoWithFields(fields, "Res")
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func LogApiAudit(fields log.Fields) {
	logEntry := getLogger().WithFields(fields)
	if storeLogsUntilTriggered {
		storeLogEntry(logEntry, "api-audit-log", log.InfoLevel)
	} else {
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func LogSQSEvent(event events.SQSEvent) {
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	sqsReducedEvents := []map[string]string{}

	for _, record := range event.Records {
		reducedEvent := map[string]string{
			"message_id": record.MessageId,
			"body":       record.Body,
			"sender":     record.Attributes["SenderId"],

		for key, attribute := range record.MessageAttributes {
			if key != "Name" {
				reducedEvent[key] = *attribute.StringValue
		sqsReducedEvents = append(sqsReducedEvents, reducedEvent)

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		"records": sqsReducedEvents,
	}, "")
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func SetOutput(out io.Writer) {

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func SetOutputToFile(file *os.File) {

func StoreLogsUntilTriggered(storeLogs bool) {
	storeLogsUntilTriggered = storeLogs

func DisableLogging() {
	disableLogging = true

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func ClearInfo() {
	logger = nil
	cachedLogEntries = []LogEntryWithLevel{}
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func sendRaygunError(fields map[string]interface{}, errToSend error) {
	if isDebug || raygunClient == nil {
		// Don't log raygun errors on debug

	if customErr, ok := errToSend.(*errors.CustomError); ok && customErr.ShouldBypassRaygun() {

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	env := getEnvironment()

	tags := []string{env}
	tags = append(tags, build)

	if apiRequest != nil {
		methodAndPath := apiRequest.HTTPMethod + ": " + apiRequest.Path
		tags = append(tags, methodAndPath)
		fields["body"] = apiRequest.Body
		fields["query"] = apiRequest.QueryStringParameters
		fields["identity"] = apiRequest.RequestContext.Identity

	if currentRequestID != nil {
		fields["request_id"] = currentRequestID

	fields["env"] = env
	sanitisedFields := SanitiseFields(fields)
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	if errToSend == nil {
		errToSend = errors.Error("")
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	err := raygunClient.SendError(errToSend)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Failed to send raygun error:", err.Error())

func fakeHttpRequest() *http.Request {
	if apiRequest == nil {
		return nil

	// Mask authorization header for raygun logs
	headers := utils.DeepCopy(apiRequest.MultiValueHeaders).(map[string][]string)
	if len(headers["authorization"]) != 0 {
		headers["authorization"] = []string{"***"}
	if len(headers["Authorization"]) != 0 {
		headers["Authorization"] = []string{"***"}

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	requestURL := url.URL{
		Path: apiRequest.Path,
		Host: apiRequest.Headers["Host"],
	request := http.Request{
		Method: apiRequest.HTTPMethod,
		URL:    &requestURL,
		Header: headers,
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	return &request
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type CustomLogFormatter struct {

func (f *CustomLogFormatter) Format(entry *log.Entry) ([]byte, error) {
	data := map[string]any{}
	for k, v := range entry.Data {
		switch v := v.(type) {
		case error:
			// Otherwise errors are ignored by `encoding/json`
			data[k] = v.Error()
			data[k] = v
	if entry.Message != "" {
		data["msg"] = entry.Message

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	// Format body
	if value, ok := data["body"].(string); ok {
		cleanValue := strings.ReplaceAll(value, "\n", "")
		cleanValue = strings.ReplaceAll(cleanValue, "\"", "'")
		data["body"] = cleanValue

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	var b *bytes.Buffer
	if entry.Buffer != nil {
		b = entry.Buffer
	} else {
		b = &bytes.Buffer{}

	encoder := json.NewEncoder(b)
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	if err := encoder.Encode(data); err != nil {
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		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal fields to JSON, %w", err)

	return b.Bytes(), nil
func storeLogEntry(logEntry *log.Entry, message interface{}, logLevel log.Level) {
	if logEntry != nil &&
		logEntry.Logger != nil &&
		logEntry.Logger.IsLevelEnabled(logLevel) {
		logWithTime := logEntry.WithField("log_time", date_utils.CurrentDate())

		cachedLogEntries = append(cachedLogEntries, LogEntryWithLevel{
			LogEntry: logWithTime,
			Message:  message,
			LogLevel: logLevel,
func LogAllStoredLogs() {
	for _, cachedLogEntry := range cachedLogEntries {
		switch cachedLogEntry.LogLevel {